Upcoming Books for 2010




Upcoming books for 2010.
Please watch this space.

THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA CONSPIRACY My book is a thriller dealing with religion vs spirituality, finance vs art, politics vs sexuality. I parallel our current economic downturn with the 1930's Depression and chart the development of a new world leader in a background of dwindling energy resources, global warming, religious extremism and the rising economic power of China, India and Saudi Arabia. I weave together Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist prophecies, about Messiahs and the end of the world, whilst taking the main character on a global journey around art galleries, archaeological digs, business headquarters and religious sites. This character, David Wolfe, is a Jewish sculptor who personifies the conflicts between love, religion, modern art and commerce.
The Millennium Angel

The Millennium Angel


Divinityland - Illustrated Children's Book


The Artworks of Anthony Padgett

Religion & Contemporary Art - Writings

These essays explore the relationship between art and religion. The first part, 1999-2002, is essays about “The Ism”, where Padgett seeks to unite religious and spiritual perspectives by uniting the art-forms appropriate to them. The second part is essays from 2002-2005, when Padgett studied at Wimbledon School of Art, London, for an MA in Theory of Contemporary Art and Performance. Padgett looks at artists (Damien Hirst, Thomas Hirschhorn, Anton Artaud, Jake and Dinos Chapman Brothers, Guillermo Gomez-Pena etc) and develops the idea of “Postmodern Religious Art”. His program of uniting the art-forms is progressed by uniting the specific material forms of religions in semi-irony with the profane – whilst keeping the sacred as of highest importance. The final part is the questionnaire that Padgett submitted to the Employment Tribunals, giving the main arguments behind his claim that the Tate Galleries were exercising religious discrimination in the way they selected artworks.


Dates and Venues

SOME OF Anthony's artworks